Welcome to Mongolia
My name is Baldyrgan and I have been working as a local tour guide and itinerary designer in Mongolia for many years. Here in this article, I decided to share with you information about my mysterious and at the same time beautiful country.
Mongolia is a country of massif Mountains and forever blue skies. This mysterious country becoming one of the top touristic destinations in the world last 15 years for those who love active or adventure tours.
Nomadic hospitality
The nomadic hospitality of Mongolia is famous in the world. Tourists or backpackers can spend their nights in their yurts with local nomads and stay with them weeks by enjoying their nomadic hospitality. You can visit them anytime without pre calling when in the rest of the world of locks and gates it’s not so easy to find people who are ready to open all doors to strangers.
Mongolia has been isolated from the rest of the world but now in the 21st century, Mongolia is already open to the world. Its citizens travel all around the world, and foreigners more and more often come to visit Mongolia as a tourist and as well as for business trips. Applying for visas and getting it is relatively easy. Passport holders of almost more than half of the world do not need visas at all. The authorities of the country perceive tourism as one of the keys and fastest-growing sectors of the Mongolian economy. Despite those signs of progress, Mongolia is still one of under developing countries. Outside the capital city Ulaanbaatar you can completely forget about the benefits of civilization and service.

Why you must love Mongolia
If you like endless open spaces, you will surely like Mongolia. And how can one not fall in love with such a large country with such beautiful nature?! Do you really not like to roam the wild trails, ride horses and spend the night in Yurts in the steppe?! But, those are not all interesting parts of Mongolia. Local nomads especially welcome travelers.
Mongolian nature
The Mongols are close to the nature of their country and love it. As soon as you show interest, the locals will start to tell you about their broad steppes, high mountains, clean lakes, about wild animals and cattle. But nature in Mongolia is really untouched by any industrial pollution.
Not only grass and horses
There are not many countries in the world where the difference between urban and rural populations is so strongly felt. Nomadic Mongols still live the same way as their ancestors millennia ago. At the same time, their brothers from Ulaanbaatar already with one foot in tomorrow. The capital is constantly changing and developing steadily. Mongolia strives to become part of the global community.
For travelers
Mongolia is very comfortable for camping tours, hiking, and trekking adventures. Even in high seasons, you will see just a few tourist camping around you. There are many ancient nomadic migration trails as now used for many trekking itineraries.
Discovery tours
Mongolia is a vast country. Many tourist attractions are located in places where long distances between so discovery tours or Jeep tours are the best way to do for those people who want to see more in Mongolia in a very short time.