How to get to Mongolia?
How to get to Mongolia? There are many different ways to get into Mongolia. You can take a flight, or you can get by train both from the Russian side and from the Chinese side as well. There are a small number of international airlines that fly to Ulaanbaatar (capital of Mongolia). Mongolian international airline (MIAT), and other different foreign airlines such as Air China, Aeroflot, Korean air, Turkish airline. Normally tickets don’t cost cheap especially during the summer when it is a high touristic season, but if you book tickets earlier in the winter you can get really huge discounts.
Mongolian International Airport:
Mongolia has only one international airport that is located in the capital city of Mongolia (Ulaanbaatar). If you want to travel to other parts of Mongolia first you will need to land in Ulaanbaatar city and the next day take your other destinations.
Chinggiss Khan International Airport is located around 20 km away from the center of Ulaanbaatar city. But in 2020 they are building a new airport that is located 50 km away from Ulaanbaatar city.
Domestic airline information:
Mongolian domestic airlines delay or their flight times get changed very often so when you are planning your tour in Mongolia please make sure that your international flights and domestic flight are not on the same day.
Getting to Mongolia by Train:
Trans-Mongolian railway which is linked to Ulaanbaatar city in the middle between Russia and China.
You can cross the border by driving into Mongolia. From the Chinese side there are borders such as Zamiin-Ud, or from south-west Mongolia the border Taikieshkyen. Taikieshken is closer to western Mongolia which is famous for its Altai mountains.
Cross the border to Mongolia
From Russia you can get into Mongolia by bus from Ulaan-Uud. Or also drive from the Russian altai side. The border name in the north-west is Tashanta. Or Mongolian border side is Ulaan Baishint.
Since the situations that happening in the world some of direct flights to Mongolia were closed. But there are all airlines companies and flight route information bellow:
Direct flights
Here is the list of direct flights to Ulaanbaatar and from:
Mongolian Airline flight directions (MIAT)
Turkish Airlines
Hunnu Air Mongolia
Aero Mongolia
Korean Air & Asiana Airlines